About Chris Ivanoff
Dr. Ivanoff joined WVU after serving as Dental Dir. at The Center for Families and Children and assisting in the in the inauguration of Lincoln Memorial University College of Dental Medicine in Knoxville, TN.
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Dentistry
- Department:
- Restorative Dentistry
- Classification:
- Faculty
Director of Global Engagement
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Dentistry
- Department:
- Student Affairs, Community Health and Outreach
- Classification:
- Admin
- DDS, Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine, 1988
- BS, Harvard University, 1982
Ivanoff CS, Wu J, Hottel TL. US Patent 11420047 B2 (Ivanoff et al). WIRELESS PATCH SYSTEM FOR TRANSDERMAL, TRANSMUCOSAL AND DENTAL ELECTRICAL DRUG DELIVERY. 23 Aug 2022. US Patent and Trademark Office.
Ivanoff CS, Andonov B, Hottel TL. Expanding the function of dental assistants in Bulgaria and perceptions about their role in the healthcare workforce. Folia Medica 2023;65(2):283-294. doi:10.3897/folmed.65.e78138
Ivanoff AE, Ivanoff CS. Ring chromosome 14 syndrome: what the dentist should know to manage children with r(14) effectively. Folia Medica 2023;65(1):20-29. doi: 10.3897/folmed.65.e71784.
Ivanoff CS, Andonov B, Hottel TL. Dental students’ knowledge and reporting of child maltreatment: where are we at today both here and abroad? Eur J Dent Educ 2022;00:1-11. doi:10.1111/eje.12795
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Terese-Koch D. Global predoctoral clerkships, community service, and cultural competence training. J Dent Educ 2022;86:232-233. doi:10.1002/jdd.12870
Ivanoff AE, Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Terese-Koch D. The prevalence of sleep bruxism in special needs children with ring chromosome 14 syndrome. J IMAB 2021;27(Supplemental 2):7-9. doi: 10.5272/jimab.2021Supplement2
Hottel TL, Antonelli J, Ivanoff CS. Beaded implants: do they last? Decisions in Dentistry 2021;7(10):16-18,22
Ivanoff CS, Wu J, Hottel TL. US 2018/0110975 A1, Wireless Patch System for Transmucosal, and Dental Electrical Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, April 26, 2018.
Ivanoff CS, Luan DM, Hottel TL, Andonov B, Volpato LER, Kumar RR, Scarbecz M. An international survey of female dental students’ perceptions about gender bias and sexual misconduct at four dental schools. J Dent Educ 2018;82(10):1022-1035. doi:10.21815/JDE.018.105. PMID 30275136
Hottel TL, Ivanoff CS, Antonelli J. Basal cell carcinoma: should this be in the dentist’s wheelhouse? J Tenn Dent Assoc 2018;98(1):36-39.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F. Influence of a cylindrical crosshead on shear bond testing of composite-tooth interfaces. Dent Mater J 2018;37(6):865-873. doi:10.4012/dmj.2017-348. PMID 29998942
Ivanoff CS, Ivanoff IK, Hottel, TL. Multiple oral ulcerations: a very rare case of Churg-Strauss syndrome with renal disease. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 2018;30(2):175-179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajoms.2017.11.007
Ivanoff CS. Бъдещето на денталната медицина в България. Auditoria Medica 2018;7(26):6-9.
Ivanoff CS, Yaneva K, Luan D, Andonov B, Kumar RR, Agnihotry A, Ivanoff AE, Emmanouil D, Volpato LER, Koneski F, Muratovska I, Al-Shehri HA, Al-Taweel SM, Daly M. A global probe into student perceptions about philanthropy, global dentistry and international student exchanges. Int Dent J 2017;67(2):107-116. doi:10.1111/idj.12260 (PMID:27753064) Epub 2016 Oct 18.
Ivanoff CS, Marchesan MA, Andonov B, Hottel TL, Dandarov Y, Mandova S, Iftikhar H. Fracture resistance of mandibular premolars with contracted or traditional endodontic access cavities and class II temporary composite restorations. Endod Prac Today 2017;11(1):7-14.
Stojanovska V, Ivanoff CS, Muratovska I, Filipovska L, Garcia-Godoy F, Hottel TL, Marković DLj, Morrow B. Joggle lap shear testing of deep occlusal composite restorations lined with dycal, dycal lc, conventional or resin-modified glass ionomer [Testiranje spojnog smicanja dubokih okluzalnih kompozitnih restauracija postavljenih preko podloge od dycal, dycal lc, konvencionalnog ili smolom-modifikovanog glas-jonomer cementa].Military Medical and Pharmaceutical Review [Vojnosanit Pregl] 2017;74(5):410-419. DOI: 10.2298/VSP150816226S
Ivanoff CS, Wu J. Hottel TL. PCT International Patent Application Serial No. PCT/US2016/031230 for Wireless Patch System for Transdermal, Transmucosal, and Dental Electrical Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, May 6, 2016.
Ivanoff CS, Wu JJ, Mirzajani H, Cheng C, Yuan Q, Kevorkyan S, Gaydarova R, Tomlekova D. AC electrokinetic drug delivery in dentistry using an interdigitated electrode assembly powered by inductive coupling. Biomed Microdevices 2016;18(5):84. DOI: 0.1007/s10544-016-0111-x (PMID 27565821)
Ivanoff CS, Wu JJ, Hottel TL. A wireless biased-ACEO lab-on-a-film platform for particle and fluid manipulation based on AM modulation and inductive coupling for drug delivery in dentistry. Dielectrophoresis 2016, July 13-15, 2016, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA.
Mirzajani H, Cheng C, Wu J, Ivanoff CS, Aghdam EN, Ghavifekr HB. Design and characterization of a passive, disposable wireless AC-electroosmotic lab-on-a-film for particle and fluid manipulation. Sens Actuators B Chem 2016;235(11):330-342. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2016.05.073
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F. United States Patent US9358380 B2 (Ivanoff et al.) for Methods and Systems Combining AC Electroosmosis with Dielectrophoresis to Enhance Delivery of Active Agents into Intraoral Structures. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, June 7, 2016.
Hottel TL, Ivanoff CS, Antonelli J, Balanoff W, Habib-Chiang RA, Hottel S. The SPA factor or not? Distinguishing sex on the basis of stereotyped tooth characteristics. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2016; 37(6):e13-6. (PMID: 27525730)
Al-Shehri HA, Al-Taweel SA, Ivanoff CS. Saudi dental students’ perceptions about cultural competency. Saudi Med J 2016; 37(2):208-211. PMID: 26837406. PMCID: PMC4800922
Ivanoff CS, Ivanoff AE, Yaneva-Ribagina K, Ivanova PK. Студентски възприятия относно образователна мисия на денталните учебни заведения за развитието на глобалната дентална медицина и филантропия [Student perceptions about the mission of dental schools to advance global dentistry and philanthropy]. Health Policy and Management (Здравна политика и мениджмънт) 2015;14(3):65-79.
Ivanoff CS, Wu J, Hottel TL. United States Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 62/158,923 for WIRELESS PATCH SYSTEM FOR TRANSDERMAL, TRANSMUCOSAL AND DENTAL ELECTRICAL DRUG DELIVERY. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, May 18, 2015.
Agnihotry A, Ivanoff CS, Daly MG, Darwin SN, Kumar RR. Sustaining community outreach clinics, training dental students and overcoming oral health inequalities. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 2018: In Review.
Ivanoff, CS, Pancratz F. Incidence of Sleep Disorder Breathing as Reported by Patients at UTHSC College of Dentistry: a Two Year Follow-Up. J Dent Educ 2015:79(5):548-556. PMID:25941148.
Ivanoff CS. AC Electrokinetics: The Dawn of a New Era in Controlled Drug Delivery for Dentistry. 70th Anniversary Scientific Conference, May 21-23, 2015, Medical University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Folia Medica 2015;57(Suppl. 1):30-31.
Ivanoff, CS, Andonov B, Ivanoff AE, Yaneva-Ribagina K, Musurlieva N. Cross-National Clerkships and Cultural Competence Training in the Predoctoral Dental Curriculum: a Comparison of Bulgarian and American Student Perceptions. 70th Anniversary Scientific Conference, May 21-23, 2015, Medical University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Folia Medica 2015;57(Suppl 1):31.
Andonov B, Yaneva-Ribagina K, Musurlieva N, Ivanoff AE, Ivanoff, CS. Survey of dental students’ perceptions about the mission of dental schools to advance global dentistry. 70th Anniversary Scientific Conference, May 21-23, 2015, Medical University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Folia Medica 2015,57 (Suppl. 1):136-137.
Ivanoff CS, Yaneva-Ribagina K, Andonov B, Ivanova PK, Ivanoff AE. Образователната мисия на студентските обмени: възприятия от студенти по дентална медицина от България и САЩ. [The educational mission of student exchanges: perceptions of dental students from Bulgaria
and the US.] Проблеми на Денталната Медицина [Problems of Dental Medicine] 2015;41(2):31-45.
Ivanoff CS, Muratovska I, Ivanoff AE, Popovska M, Zabokova-Bilbilovska E. Eдукативна мисија на студентски размени и глобалната стоматологија: перцепции на студенти по дентална медицина од Македонија и Соединетите Американски Штати [The educational mission of student exchanges and global dentistry: perceptions of dental students from Macedonia and the US.] Makedonski Stomatološki Pregled [Macedonian Stomatological Review] 2015;38(1-2):56-76.
Agnihotry A, Darwin S, Daly M, Ivanoff CS, Kumar R. “Community outreach clinics: sustainability, schooling dental students and overcoming oral health inequalities.” 2015 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition, Boston MA, March 11-14, 2015. Abstract No. 2107466.
Agnihotry A, Gill KS, Ivanoff CS, Kocchar R. Teaching Future Dentists to Detect and Report Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect. International Journal of Ethics, Trauma and Victimology 2015;1(1):18-20.
Ivanoff CS, Ivanoff AE. Deletion Syndrome 22q13: what the dentist should know to manage children with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome effectively. J Tenn Dent Assoc, 2014;94(1):15-18; Continuing Education Exam #53, 19-20. www.tenndental.org/doctda/CE/Exam53.pdf. PMID: 25241497.
Ivanoff CS. Partnerships and Innovation: Novel Approaches to Training, Educating, and Engaging in Peacekeeping and Stability Operations. “An Innovative Global Health Initiative to Complement the State Partnership Program.” In proceeding of: The 2014 Peace and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop (PSOTEW), Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness) for the Department of Defense, At George Mason University, Arlington, VA., March 26, 2014. http://pksoi.army.mil/conferences/psotew/
Ivanoff CS. "Cross-National Clerkships and Cultural Competence Training in the Predoctoral Dental Curriculum: An Innovative Global Oral Health Initiative." GHIC 2014 Global Health & Innovation Conference, April 12-13, 2014, Yale University, New Haven, CT. http://www.uniteforsight.org/conference/speakers-2014#pitches
Ivanoff CS, Yaneva K, Andonov BO, Brown KD, Hottel TL, Luan DM. "Cross-National Clerkships, Predoctoral Cross-Cultural Training and Capacity Building: An Innovative Global Health Initiative to Complement the State Partnership Program." In proceeding of: The 2014 Peace and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop (PSOTEW), Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness) for the Department of Defense, At George Mason University, Arlington, VA., March 24-27, 2014.
U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 61/731,993: Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F. Methods and Systems Combining AC Electroosmosis with Dielectrophoresis to Enhance Delivery of Active Agents into Intraoral Structures (Ref. No. 1306/54 PROV), June 12, 2014
Ivanoff CS, Swami NS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F. Enhanced penetration of fluoride particles into
bovine enamel by combining dielectrophoresis with AC electroosmosis. Electrophoresis 2013;34(20-21):2945-2955. doi: 10.1002/elps.201300206
Ivanoff CS, Morshed BI, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F. Fluoride uptake by human tooth enamel: topical application versus combined dielectrophoresis and AC electroosmosis. Am J Dent 2013;26:166-172.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F, Shah P. Breaking the fluoride diffusion barrier with combined dielectrophoresis and AC electroosmosis. Am J Dent 2013;26:228-236.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL. Comprehensive training in suspected child abuse and neglect for dental students: A hybrid curriculum. J Dent Educ 2013;77(6):695-705.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL. A Four-tier problem-solving scaffold to teach pain management in dental school. J Dent Educ 2013;77(6): 723-731.
Ivanoff CS, Ivanoff AE, Yaneva K, Hottel TL, Proctor HL. Student perceptions about the mission of dental schools to advance global dentistry and philanthropy. J Dent Educ 2013;77(10):1258-1269.
Ivanoff CS, Ivanoff AE, Yaneva K, Hottel TL, Proctor HL. Student perceptions about the mission of dental schools to advance global dentistry and philanthropy. [Студентски възприятия относно образователна мисия на денталните учебни заведения за развитието на глобалната дентална медицина и филантропия.] Trans. Ivanoff CS, Ivanoff AE, Yaneva-Ribagina K, Ivanova PK. J Dent Educ 2013;77(10):1258-1269.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Yaneva K, Filchev A. Cross-national clerkships and cross-cultural training in the predoctoral dental curriculum: A multidisciplinary global health initiative. [Abstract #277295] 141st Annual APHA Annual Meeting and Expo, November 2-6, 2013, Boston, MA. Retrieved from: https://apha.confex.com/apha/141am/webprogram/Paper277295.html
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL. University of Tennessee College of Dentistry Vision and Model for Dental Sleep Medicine Education. In proceeding of: Sleep Disordered Breathing in Dental School Education: Past, Present, and Future, University of North Carolina School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, August 2013. (Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine April, 2014)
Ivanoff CS. Dielectropheretic drug transport into teeth. In proceeding of: Mid-South Dental Conference, Memphis, TN, March 2013.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F. Microhardness recovery of demineralized enamel after treatment with fluoride gel or CPP-ACP paste applied topically or with dielectrophoresis. Am J Dent 2012;25(2):109-113.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F. Dielectrophoresis: a model to transport drugs directly into teeth. Electrophoresis 2012;33(8):1311-1321. PMID: 22589112. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201100505
Ivanoff,CS, Hottel TL, Versluis-Tantbirojn D, Versluis A, Garcia-Godoy F. (2012, October 29). Dielectrophoretic transport increases depth of penetration of fluoride into enamel. In Effective Community Preventive Programs: American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting &
Expo, San Francisco, CA, October 27- October 31. [Abstract 259087] Retrieved from http://www.apha.org/meetings/sessions/; https://apha.confex.com/apha/140am/.../Session34707.html
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL. Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita: a rare challenge in dental management. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2012;33(4):238-40,242,244 passim; quiz 248,260.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F. Dielectrophoretic Drug Transport into Teeth. ITP 2012 Book of Abstracts, 19th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation Techniques, Baltimore, September 30-October 2, 2012 (L-143), 17, 2012. [Abstract] Retrieved from http://www.itp2012.okstate.edu/documents/Book of Abstracts.pdf.
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Pancratz F. Is there a place for teaching obstructive sleep apnea and snoring in the predoctoral dental curriculum? J Dent Educ 2012;76(12):1639-1645. PMID: 23225683
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Tantbirojn DV, Versluis A, Garcia-Godoy F. Dielectrophoretic transport of fluoride into enamel. Am J Dent 2011; 24(6):341-345. PMID: 22263330
Ivanoff CS, Hottel TL, Garcia-Godoy F, Riga AT. Dielectrophoresis enhances the whitening effect of carbamide peroxide on enamel. Am J Dent 2011; 24(5):259-263.
Ivanoff CS, Ivanoff AE, Hottel TL. Gallium poisoning: a rare case report. Food Chem Toxicol 2012;50(2):212-215. Krogh P, Gyrd-Hansen N, Hald B, Larsen S., Nielsen JP, Smith M, Ivanoff C, Meisner H. Renal enzyme activities in experimental ochratoxin A-induced porcine nephropathy: diagnostic potential of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity. J Toxicol Environ Health 1988; 23(1):1-14. PMID: 2891856
Additional Info
Research Grants and Professional Honors
US Patent 11420047 B2 (Ivanoff et al). Wireless Patch System for Transdermal, Transmucosal and Dental Electrical Drug Delivery. 23 Aug 2022. US Patent and Trademark Office.
The President’s Lifetime Achievement Award, President of the United States of America
Top 10 Most Notable Article of the Year, Journal of Dental Education 2018 ‘Journal of Dental Education Most Notable Articles of 2018’. (2019 ADEA Bulletin of Dental Education Volume 52, Issue 1, Jan 9. Available at: https://www.adea.org/ADEA/Blogs/Bulletin_of_Dental_Education/Journal_of_Dental_Education_Most_Notable_Articles_of_2018.html
The University of Tennessee Research Foundation Outstanding Inventor Award
Doctor Honoris Causa: Medical University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (May 17, 2018)
Dual Appointment: Associate Professor, UTHSC College of Pharmacy (January 1, 2018)
Faculty Recognition 2016-2017, UTHSC Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs https://uthsc.edu/tlc/documents/frrfs-faculty-recognition-2017.pdf
Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobility Grant: the European Union Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Support (May 2018)
The University of Tennessee Research Foundation Outstanding Inventor Award
The University of Tennessee Research Foundation Outstanding Inventor Award
US Patent (Ivanoff, et al.) 9,358,380 Methods and systems combining AC electroosmosis with dielectrophoresis to enhance delivery of active agents into intraoral structures, June 7, 2016
Campus spotlight ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger: http://www.adea.org/Blog.aspx?id=29782&blogid=20741
The University of Tennessee Research Foundation Innovation Award (February, 2016)
Honorary Professor, Medical University of Sofia, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Bulgaria
The University of Tennessee Research Foundation Innovation Award
University of Tennessee Dental Alumni Category I Research Grant, “Wireless Transdermal, Transmucosal and Dental Electrical Drug Delivery: The “SMART PATCH.”
University of Tennessee Health Science Center Service Award
Dean’s Appreciation Award, University of Tennessee College of Dentistry
University of Tennessee, College of Dentistry Alumni Research Endowment: Category I Research Grant #R073475083
Dean’s Appreciation Award, UTHSC College of Dentistry
University of Tennessee, College of Dentistry Alumni Research Endowment: Category I Research Grant #R073405015
About Chris Ivanoff
Dr. Chris S. Ivanoff was appointed Professor of Restorative Dentistry at WVU School of Dentistry on September 11, 2023. He received his B.S. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA in 1982. He is an alumnus of Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine (1988) where he also served in the Department of Comprehensive Care until 2006. In 2010 he joined the faculty at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry where he served in the Department of Prosthodontics, the Department of Bioscience Research, and as Director of Global Outreach, prior to his appointment at the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor as Director of Global Initiatives - Health System Affairs and Governmental Relations. He is Honorary Professor at the Medical University of Sofia Faculty of Dental Medicine and is conferred with the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa at the Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He also practiced general dentistry for 35 years at his private practice in North Olmsted, OH, while serving Greater Cleveland’s most vulnerable communities as Dental Director at The Centers for Families and Children until August 2023.
As the Director of Global Outreach, he worked with the school leadership to support the global engagement mission of the College of Dentistry at UTHSC by enhancing and sustaining globally related education, research, and service. As founder of the Global Oral Health Initiative (GOHI), Dr. Ivanoff brought together an international alliance of dental schools to improve global oral healthcare and access to dental care by underserved populations. While his academic experience focuses primarily on the clinical training of predoctoral dental students, he also developed a curriculum to train predoctoral students about suspected child abuse and neglect. These curricular efforts were published in a campus spotlight article by the ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger at: http://www.adea.org/Blog.aspx?id=29782&blogid=20741. As an advocate for equity and inclusion in dental education, a multinational study he recently conducted about sexual harassment and misconduct in dental schools was selected as one of the top ten publications in the Journal of Dental Education.
Finally, Dr. Ivanoff has extensive research experiences which began as a college and dental student and continue to this very day. These efforts have translated into two innovative devices and a patented methodology based on AC electroosmosis and dielectrophoresis that can potentially revolutionize drug delivery in dentistry. In 2021, he received The President’s Lifetime Achievement Award from the president of the United States for his work with ring chromosome 14 syndrome children. He is well published, well-rounded, creative, and adaptive. He enjoys working with students and offers the position a rich set of skills along with his commitment to train culturally competent and well-rounded dentists who will function successfully in a multicultural and dynamically evolving healthcare workforce.
Dr. Ivanoff comes from a family of political refugees and immigrated to America in 1968 right before his 8th birthday. He recently celebrated his 35th anniversary with his wife, Lisa, has three children (Athena, Ivan, and Sofiya), and loves his dog, Sasho, a Siberian Husky. Dr. Ivanoff describes himself as a “hands-on” type of guy and enjoys being down in the trenches with his students and patients. His passions are diverse and he loves to mentor. Dr. Ivanoff speaks six languages, plays piano accordion, and has traveled abroad extensively. When he is not doing dentistry or teaching, he enjoys landscaping and working around the yard.
Additional Info
Dr. Ivanoff's undergraduate degree is from Harvard University where earned a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Patient Care Information
Medical Specialties
- Dentistry
Additional Info
Dr. Ivanoff speaks English, Bulgarian, Greek, Macedonian, Serbian and French.