Assistant Dean of Academic and Student Affairs
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Health Professions
- Classification:
- Admin
- PhD, The Pennsylvania State University, 2018
- MBA, Samford University, 2012
- BS, University of North Alabama, 2006
Articles (*indicates co-authors listed alphabetically)
- Jones, WA, Hutchens, NH, Hulbert, A, Lewis, WD, & Brown, DM. (2017). Shared governance among the new majority: Non-tenure track faculty eligibility for election to university faculty senates. Innovative Higher Education, 1-15. doi:10.1007/s10755-017-9402-2
- Hutchens, NH, Fernandez, F, & Hulbert, A. (2016). Essay: Faculty, the courts, and the First Amendment. Penn State Law Review, 120(4), 1027-1046.
- *Derreth, T, Hulbert, A, Montgomery, R, & Snyder, P. (2016). State authorization of online education: Implications for the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. Higher Education in Review, Special Issue 2016, 37-46.
- Hutchens, NH & Hulbert, AM. (2016). Don't forget the fine print: MOOCs and student privacy. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2015(167), 57–68. doi:10.1002/ir.20154
- Hulbert, AM. (2015). Better World Theatre: A multidisciplinary approach to teaching ethics through the arts. Teaching Ethics, 15(2), 303-316.
- Knapp, JC & Hulbert, AM. (2016). Ghostwriting and the ethics of authenticity. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Papers & Presentations (+ indicates invited, * indicates undergraduate co-presenters)
- Scruggs, M, Hulbert, AM, Orr, J, & Burgess, N.* (2021). Academic Integrity in a Pandemic: Reflections from a Year on Zoom. Plenary Panel at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, Virtual.
- Binstein, J, Hulbert, AM, Orr, J, Parnther, C, Roberts, C, Sopack, P & Stewart, A. (2020). E-Proctoring Discussion 2.0. Webinar hosted by the International Center for Academic Integrity.
- +Hulbert, AM. (2020). Putting Policy to Practice at West Virginia University: Why, What, How, and With Whom. Presentation at the 8th Congreso de Integridad Académica, Virtual.
- Hulbert, AM & Lee, J. (2020). Putting Policy to Practice: A Guide to Policy Development and Implementation. Presentation at the 27th Annual Conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, Portland, OR.
- Hulbert, AM & Lee, J. (2019). Building a Culture of Academic Integrity at West Virginia University. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the West Virginia Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Davis, WV.
- Hulbert, AM. (2019). The What, How, Why, and Who of Academic Integrity. Keynote remarks at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, Morgantown, WV.
- Hulbert, AM. (2019). Build, Assess, Respond, and Communicate (BARC): An (Updated) Data-Informed Approach to Cultural Change. Presentation at the 26th Annual Conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, New Orleans, LA.
- Hulbert, AM, Carr-Furbee, J, & Watson, J. (2019). Hiding in Plain Sight: Detecting and Deterring Dishonesty in Large-Format Classrooms. Presentation at the 26th Annual Conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, New Orleans, LA.
- Hulbert, AM. (2019). Inspiring Integrity: Educating Undergraduate Business Students for the Common Good. Presentation at the 26th Annual Conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, New Orleans, LA.
- Hulbert, AM. (2019). Developing Effective Deterrents Through an Institutional Sanctioning Philosophy and Guidelines. Interactive workshop presented at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, Lynchburg, VA.
- Hulbert, AM. (2018). Inspiring Integrity? An Exploration of Academic Integrity Behaviors in Undergraduate Business Students. Presentation at the 25th Annual Conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, Richmond, VA.
- Hulbert, AM. (2017). Inspiring Integrity: Educating Business Students for the Public Good in an Era of “Alternative Facts.” Presentation at the Critical Questions in Education Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Hulbert, AM., Fernandez, F, & Hutchens, NH. (2016). Closing Down Faculty through Open Records: The “Weaponization” of Records Requests. Presentation at the Centennial Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Law and Education SIG, Washington, D.C.(Recipient of the Law and Education SIG Early Scholar Award, Honorable Mention.)
- +Hulbert, AM. (2015). Build, Assess, Respond, and Communicate (BARC): Facing the Cheating Problem, From Diagnosis to Treatment / Elaborar, evaluar, responder y comunicar (BARC): enfrentando una deshonestidad académica desde el diagnóstico hasta el tratamiento. Presentation at the 3rd Congreso Nacional de Integridad Académica, Monterrey, Mexico.
- +Hulbert, AM. (2014). Facing the Cheating Problem: A Journey from Diagnosis to Treatment. Interactive workshop presented at the annual conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, Jacksonville, FL.
- Hulbert, AM. (2013). Better World Theatre: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Teaching Ethics through the Arts. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, Corvallis, OR.
- Hulbert, AM., Aebli, K,* Forman, C,* Gaxiola, C,* & Witt, C.* (2013). Better World Theatre: Teaching Ethics through the Arts. Presentations at the Healthcare Ethics and Law (HEaL) Conference and the Southeastern Regional Academic Integrity Conference, Birmingham, AL.
- Hulbert, AM. (2013). Facing the Cheating Problem: Samford’s Journey from Diagnosis to Treatment. Presentation at the annual conference of the International Center for Academic Integrity, San Antonio, TX.
- Nominated for the Bobby Wright Dissertation of the Year Award, Association for the Study of Higher Education (2018)
- Dissertation Research Initiation Grant, The Pennsylvania State University (2017)
- Law and Education SIG Early Scholar Award, Honorable Mention, American Educational Research Association (2016)
- Student Writing Group Award (with F. Fernandez and K. Quigley), The Pennsylvania State University (2016)
- Student Writing Group Award (with K. Johnson, R. Montgomery, and N. Mansur), The Pennsylvania State University (2016)
About Azalea Hulbert
Dr. Azalea Hulbert serves as Assistant Dean of Academic and Student Affairs in the West Virginia University School of Medicine Health Professions. Hulbert joined West Virginia University as Director of Academic Integrity in September 2018, bringing more than a decade of experience as a practitioner, researcher, and consultant at postsecondary institutions. She is recognized as a presenter and facilitator both domestically and abroad and has published on critical applied issues of concern, including student development and higher education law. She has also designed, developed, and implemented on-campus initiatives focused on diversity, integrity, and leadership.
Hulbert earned her BS in human environmental sciences from the University of North Alabama and her master’s in business administration from Samford University. She then earned her PhD in higher education administration from Penn State University.
Hulbert served on the Board of Directors of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) from 2020 - 2023, and also holds a courtesy appointment as Assistant Professor in the College of Applied Human Sciences at WVU, where she engages in both service and teaching activities. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, biking, and traveling with her husband, son, and miniature dachshund.