About Zheng Dai
Dr. Zheng Dai is a post-doctoral fellow in Epidemiology. His research focuses on substance misuse and abuse, drug overdose prevention and treatment, and other drug-related research. Especially, he is specialized in big data analyses using SAS programming.
Research Associate
- Organization:
- West Virginia University Health Sciences Center
- Department:
- Health Affairs Institute
- Classification:
- Staff
- PhD, West Virginia University
- MS, Pharmacognosy, China Pharmaceutical University
- BS, Engineering, China Pharmaceutical University
- Dai, Z., Abate, M.A., Smith, G.S., Kraner, J.C., & Mock, A.R. (2019). Fentanyl and fentanyl-analog involvement in drug-related deaths. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 196, 1-8. DOI:
- Dai, Z., Abate, M.A., Long, L.D., Smith, G.S., Halki, T.M., … & Mock, A.R. (2020). Quantifying Enhanced Risk from Alcohol and Other Factors in Polysubstance-Related Deaths. Forensic Science International, 313:110352. DOI:
- Cai, Y., Dai, Z.*, Wen, S., Bhandari, R. (2020). Risk factors associated with infection of blood borne virus among methamphetamine users. BMC Infectious Diseases, 20:742. DOI:
- Smith, G., Dai, Z., Abate, M., Mock, A., & Kramer, J. (2021). 7C. 001 Changing drug overdose deaths patterns where US rates are highest: global implications. Injury Prevention, 27:A57. DOI:
- Abate, M.A., Smith, G.S., Dai, Z., Mock, A.R., Kraner, J.C., Kaplan, J.A., & Falsafi, F. (2017). Characterization of gabapentin-related deaths in West Virginia. Acad Forensic Pathol, 7(1 Suppl), s-72-s-146.
- Walter, S., Dai, Z., Wang, K. (2021). Obesity, migraine, and overlapping co-morbidities in a rural pediatric population. J Neurosci Rural Pract, 2. DOI:
- Stroupe, L.M., Patra, K.P., Dai, Z., Lancaster, J., Ahmed, A., Merti, E., ... & Whitehair, J. (2018). Measuring harm in hospitalized children via a trigger tool. Journal of pediatric nursing, 41, 9-15. DOI:
- Keener, T., Phillips B., Dai, Z., & Barnhart, C.A. (2020). Pediatric interprofessional education simulation promoting compassionate care, teamwork, and communication. J Interprof Educ Pract, 100324. DOI:
- Walter, S.M., Parker, D., Wang, K., Dai, Z., & Starcher, M. (2020). Feasibility of a Self-Management Intervention for Rural Adolescents with Recurrent Headache (SMI-AH). Applied Nursing Research, 51, 151223. DOI:
- Smothers, A., Young, S., & Dai, Z. (2018). Prelicensure Nursing Students' Attitudes and Perceptions of End-of-Life Care. Nurse Educ, 44(4), 222-225; DOI: