Professor, Director, Clinical Chemistry
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Pathology, Anatomy and Laboratory Medicine
- Classification:
- Clinical Faculty
- BS, Cell Biology & Chemistry, Texas A&M University, 1999
- PhD, Experimental Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch, 2004
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
- Delaney S, Tacker DH, Snozek C. The North American opioid epidemic: Opportunities and challenges for clinical laboratories. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. PMID 35166639. Published 2/16/2022.
- Tacker DH, Bashleben C, Long TC, Theel ES, Knight V, Kadkhoda K, Rhoads DD, Linden MA, Fink SL. Interlaboratory agreement of anti-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) serologic assays in the expedited College of American Pathologists proficiency testing program. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2021 May;145(5):536-542. PMID 33461214.
- Horspool A, Kieffer T, Russ B, DeJong M, Wolf M, Karakiozis J, Hickey B, Fagone P, Tacker D, Bevere J, Martinez I, Barbier M, Perrotta PL, Damron F. Interplay of antibody and cytokine production reveals CXCL-13 as a potential novel biomarker of lethal SARS-CoV-2 infection. mSphere 2021 Apr; 6(1): e01324-20. PMID 33472985
- Yossuck P, Tacker DH. Drug positivity findings from a universal umbilical cord tissue drug analysis program in Appalachia. J Appl Lab Med 2021 Jan;6(1):285-297. PMID 33324976. [https://doi:10.1093/jalm/jfaa196]https://doi:10.1093/jalm/jfaa196
- Tacker DH, Adelanwa A, Pearson N, Marshalek P, Berry JH. Fentanyl Notification Project Prompted Change in Clinical Workflow and Test Configurations. J Appl Lab Med 2021 Jan;6(1):93-100. PMID 33276372; [https://doi:10.1093/jalm/jfaa173]https://doi:10.1093/jalm/jfaa173
- Snozek CLH, Baskin LB, Boyd JM, Kelly BN, Krasowski MD, Hossein Sadrzadeh SM, Tacker DH. How can routine clinical laboratories keep up with the opioid crisis? Clin Chem 2020 Dec;67(20):338-344. PMID 33523216.
- Morise AP, Tennant J, Holmes SD, Tacker DH. Initial clinical experience with PCSK9 inhibitors to lower LDL cholesterol in a university lipid clinic setting. WV Med J 2020 Aug;116(2):16-24.
- Tacker DH. Retrospective evaluation of 99th percentile hCG results to adjust clinical decision points. Clin Biochem 2019 Oct 28;74:76-79. PMID: 31672646.
- Hermes Tacker D. Clinical utility and performance in test utilization interventions for paraneoplastic antibody panel orders: A delicate balance. JALM 2019 Oct;4(1):1-3. PMID 31639701. [Invited Editorial from JALM; subjected to peer review, revised, and accepted like any article.]
- Morise A, Tennant J, Holmes SD, Tacker DH. The effect of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors on nonfasting remnant cholesterol in a real world population. J Lipids 2018. PMID 30105099.
- Tacker DH, Perrotta PL. Quality Monitoring Approach for Optimizing Antinuclear Antibody Screening Cutoffs and Testing Workflow. J Appl Lab Med 2017; 1(6): 678-689. PMID 33379827. [https://doi:10.1373/jalm.2016.021360]https://doi:10.1373/jalm.2016.021360. [Selected by the JALM Editorial Board for a podcast (JALMTalk via Google Podcasts) and an editorial.]
- Lin DC, Straseski JA, Schmidt RL, Thyroid Benchmarking Group*. Multi-center benchmark study reveals significant variation in thyroid testing in United States. Thyroid 2017 Oct; 27(10): 1232-1245. [https://doi:10.1089/thy.2017.0190]https://doi:10.1089/thy.2017.0190. PMID 28679353. [*Member of the benchmarking group, and a contributor to manuscript writing & revision.]
- Ducatman AM, Tacker DH, Ducatman BS, Long D, Perrotta PL, Lawther H, Pennington K, Lander O, Warden M, Failinger C, Halbritter K, Pellegrino R, Treese M, Stead JA, Glass E, Cianciaruso L, Nau KC. Quality improvement intervention for reduction of redundant testing. Academic Pathology 2017;4:1-10. PMID 28725791; PMCID PMC5497914;
- Tacker DH, Topardo J, Mahaffey CA, Perrotta PL. Workflow analysis comparing manual and automated sample processing for mass spectrometry based vitamin D testing. Lab Medicine 2014;45(4):361-367. PMID 25316669.
- Tacker DH, Robinson R, Perrotta PL. Abbott ARCHITECT iPhenytoin assay versus similar assays for measuring free phenytoin concentrations. Lab Medicine 2014;45(2): 5-10. PMID 24869001.
- Javins B, Hobbs G, Ducatman A, Pilkerton C, Tacker D, Knox SS. Circulating maternal perfluoroalkyl substances during pregnancy in the C8 Health Study. Env Sci Technol. 2013;47(3):1606-13. PMID 23272997.
Books & Chapters:
- Tietz Textbook of Laboratory Medicine. 7th Edition, E-Book version, Elsevier: 2022. Adaptive Learning Editor group: Basics in Laboratory Medicine, Analytical Techniques, Clinical Chemistry & Genetic Metabolic Discorders section. [Google Books landing page for Tietz front matter]
- Associate Editor, Tietz Fundamentals. 10th Edition. Elsevier: 2022. [7 chapters – Reference Intervals, Automation, Reproductive Endocrinology, Serum Enzymes, Point-of-Care Testing, Cardiac Markers, and Hemoglobin & Iron Metabolism]
- CLSI C62-A: Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Methods; Approved Guideline. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Wayne PA. 2014 October. Contributor list: Clarke W, Molinaro R, Bachmann LM, Botelho JC, Cao Z, French D, Garg S, Gawoski JM, Grant RP, Hoofnagle AN, Iyer B, Kulasingam V, Mason DS, Rappold B, Tacker DH, Truscott SM, Yu C, Zhu Y.
- Tacker DH. ASCP Check Sample, Clinical Chemistry. Topic – Immunoassay Interferences. June 2012.
Posters & Abstracts:
- Yang J, Tacker D. Monthly averages of lipid profile over a three-year period in a community hospital. 2022 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago IL USA, July 2022.
- Adelanwa A, Tacker D. Baseline Prevalence Data from a New Fentanyl Notification Program in the Ruby Clinical Toxicology Laboratory Identify Opportunities For Care Improvement. Abstract selected for virtual oral presentation. 2020 WVU School of Medicine Research and Quality Improvement Virtual Poster Competition, June 2020. [Winner (1 of 3): QI project]
- Auten MW, Tacker D. Improving delivery and receipt of time-sensitive specimens for growth hormone testing. Abstract selected for Oral Presentation. 2019 AACC (International) Preanalytics Meeting, 12 November. Alexandria VA, USA. [Winner (1 of 2): Best Poster]
- Auten MW, Tacker D. Improving delivery and receipt of time-sensitive specimens for growth hormone testing. Abstract selected for Oral Presentation. 2019 WVU Medicine Quality Improvement Fair, May 23. Morgantown WV, USA. [Winner: Oral Presentation category.]
- Scholl AR, Wright S, Tacker D. Serum hCG, centrally-acting medications, and menopause – A pilot study. WVCTSI 2019 Annual Meeting. April 2, White Sulphur Springs, WV, USA. Poster 35.
- Langford EE, Vos JA, Shmookler AD, Tacker DH. Anti-CD38 treated plasma cell myeloma causing laboratory interferences: A quality assurance study identifying pitfalls for the pathologist. Abstract 2769; USCAP 2019 Annual Meeting; 16-21 March 2019, National Harbor, MD, USA. [Published in Laboratory Investigation 99]
- Lin DC, Straseski JA, La’ulu SL, Schmidt RL, and the Thyroid Benchmarking Group*. Multi-center benchmark study reveals significant variation in thyroid testing in United States. 2017 AACC Annual Meeting, San Diego CA. Abstract A-165. August 1st 2017. *, member of the 22-site benchmarking group that represented and reviewed data from 82 different reporting sites.
- Ahn JS, Beatty C, Nichols T, Tacker DH, Perrotta PL. Sample suitability for solid-phase antibody identification. 2016 AABB Annual Meeting, Orlando Fl. Abstract publication number 2528258. [October]
- Mehta H, Tacker D. Hyperammonemic encephalopathy in late-onset ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency unmasked by acetaminophen overuse. 2014 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Poster P07.035.
- Pennington K, Tacker D. Quality Analysis/Quality Control Project: Decreasing the Number of QNS Samples at a Regional Cystic Fibrosis Center. 2013 Appalachian Health Summit, Columbus, OH. Poster.
- Josiah A, Salomon A, Tacker DH, Gutmann L. Copper deficiency myeloneuropathy with hypozincemia due to zinc excess, gastrectomy, and low serum ceruloplasmin. 2012 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Poster P03.191.
- Tacker DH, Topardo J, Mahaffey C, Perrotta P. Determining labor requirements for manual and automated sample processing for mass spectrometry testing through workflow analysis. Clin Chem. 2011;57(10):A44. Abstract A-141 at the 2011 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting.
- LaSala R, Sarwari A, Svensson A, Tacker D, Perrotta P. Impact of Methodology Change on Ordering Practices for C. difficile Testing. 2011. 111th General Meeting American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA. Abstract #3929.
Peer-Reviewed Online Articles:
- Tacker D. Revision of: Bilirubin. LabTestsOnline. Reviewed/revised, September 2015; board approved December 2015. Available from:
- Tacker D. How confident are you in your pre-analytics? And, are you using your index testing to its real potential? NACB Scientific Shorts. 6/16/2015. Available from:
- Tacker D. Is mass spectrometry “keeping up with the Jonesing?”...and, Why is this even a question in the modern era? NACB Scientific Shorts. 5/5/2015. Available from:
- Tacker D. Case study: What is the source of the hyperammonemia? NACB Scientific Shorts. 2/21/2014. Available from:
- Tacker D. Analyzer selection in the “adult” hospital setting – What’s your method? NACB Scientific Shorts. 6/26/2013. Available from:
Link to PubMed for full list of publications:
Additional Info
Invited Articles:
- Tacker DH. Cutoff reviews for mass spectrometry QA. MedicalLab Management 2022 May 11(5): 14-19.
- Tacker DH. Technology checklist for a new laboratory. MedicalLab Management 2021 March 10(3): 10. [Cover story]
- Tacker DH. Q&A – Rapid deployment of new laboratory operations. MedicalLab Management 2020 December 9(11): 2-5.
- Tacker DH. Shifting Practice in Clinical Toxicology. MedicalLab Management 2020 January 9(1):12-16.
- Tacker DH. Middleware Is a Powerful Director’s Tool. MedicalLab Management 2017 April issue. [Cover story]
Research Program
Clinical Chemistry
Research Interests
Research Interests:
- Clinical Chemistry, General
- Investigations of Suspected Test Interferences and/or Unexpected Results
- Workflow Assessment/Laboratory Efficiency/Automation
- Performance Improvement & Quality Management Strategies
- Antibody Interference in Immunoassays
- Quality Management and Assurance
- Utilization Patterns
- Workflow Analysis
- Mass Spectrometry Method Development
Patient Care Information
Medical Specialties
- Pathology
Special Training
Other Speciality Training, Molecular Pathology
University of Texas Medical Branch -
Other Speciality Training, Analytic/Instrumental Chemistry, Clinical Biochemistry
UTMB Galveston