Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Radiology
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Radiology
- Classification:
- Faculty
- Organization:
- West Virginia University WVU Cancer Institute
- Department:
- WVU Cancer Institute Research Programs
- Classification:
- Faculty
- PhD, University of Michigan
Ten Most Recent:
Arrays of segmented, tapered light guides for use with large, planar scintillation detectors.
Raylman RR, Vaigneur K, Stolin AV, Jaliparthi G.
IEEE Trans Nucl Sci. 2015;62(3):694-698.
Evaluation of an SiPM-based PET/MRI insert.
Raylman RR, Stolin A, Hou B, Ledden P.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2015;56(3)
A large area, silicon photomultiplier-based PET detector module.
Raylman RR, Stolin A, Majewski S, Proffitt J.
Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res A. 2014;735
Construction and evaluation of a prototype high resolution, silicon photomultiplier-based, tandem positron emission tomography system.
Stolin AV, Majewski S, Jaliparthi G, Raylman RR.
IEEE Trans Nucl Sci. 2013;60(1):82-86.
Initial clinical test of a breast-PET scanner.
Raylman RR, Abraham J, Hazard HW, Koren C, Filburn S, Schreiman JS, Kurian S, Majewski S, Marano GD.
J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2011;55(1):58-64.
Advancements to the planogram frequency-distance rebinning algorithm.
Champley KM, Raylman RR, Kinahan PE.
Inverse Probl. 2010;26(4):45008
Positron emission tomography-guided biopsy with a dedicated breast scanner: Initial evaluation.
Raylman RR.
IEEE Trans Nucl Sci. 2009;56(3):620-624.
Investigation of breast cancer using two-dimensional MRS.
Thomas MA, Lipnick S, Velan SS, Liu X, Banakar S, Binesh N, Ramadan S, Ambrosio A, Raylman RR, Sayre J, DeBruhl N, Bassett L.
NMR Biomed. 2009;22(1):77-91.
Planogram rebinning with the frequency-distance relationship.
Champley KM, Defrise M, Clackdoyle R, Raylman RR, Kinahan PE.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2008;27(7):925-933.
Patient Care Information
Medical Specialties
- Radiology