About Charles Ponte
Dr. Charles Ponte received his bachelor degree in Pharmacy from the University of Connecticut, completed his residency in Hospital Pharmacy from Yale-New Haven Hospital, and obtained his Pharmacy degree from the University of Utah.
Professor Emeritus
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Pharmacy
- Department:
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Classification:
- Clinical Faculty
- BS, University of Connecticut, 1975
- PharmD, University of Utah, 1980
Ponte CD. Diarhea. In Schwinghammer TL et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2020 (In Preparation)
Ponte CD. Acute pain management. In Schwinghammer TL et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2020 (In Preparation)
Ponte CD. Bacterial Vaginosis. In Schwinghammer TL et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2020 (In Preparation)
Elavsky M, Ponte CD and Whetsel, T. Two heads are better than one – practical smoking cessation tips for the diabetes educator. AADE in Practice November 2019: 20-24.
Goyat R, Rai P, Chang J, Ponte CD and Tan X. Cardiovascular mortality of oral anti-diabetic drugs approved before and after the 2008 United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance for industry - a systemic review and meta-analysis. Clin Drug Investig 2018; 38: 491-501.
Thornton JD, Dwibedi N, Scott V, Ponte CD, Ziedonis D, and Sambamoorthi U. Increased healthcare utilization and expenditures associated with chronic opioid therapy. American Journal of Accountable Care 2018; 6(4): 11-18.
Thornton JD, Dwibedi N, Scott V, Ponte CD, Ziedonis D, Sambamoorthi N and Sambamoorthi U. Predictors of transitioning to incident chronic opioid therapy among working-aged adults. Am Health Drug Benefits 2018; 11(1): 12-21.
Ponte, Charles D., and Dang, Devra K. "Drug-Induced Diabetes." Ed. Richard IG Holt, Clive S. Cockram, Allan Flyvbjerg, and Barry J. Goldstein. Textbook of Diabetes. 5th ed. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2017. 262-71. Print.
Wietholter, J. P., Ponte, C. D. and Long, D. M. The perceived value of clinical pharmacy service provision by pharmacists and physicians: an initial assessment of family medicine and internal medicine providers. Int J Pharm Pract 2017; 25(5):343-350.
Dang D, Pucino F, Ponte CD and Calis K. Glucose and insulin dysregulation. In: Tisdale JE and Miller DA, eds. Drug- Induced Diseases: Prevention, Detection and Management. 3rd ed. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2018
Abate MA, Ponte CD. Diarrhea. In Schwinghammer TL et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2017.
Ponte CD. Bacterial Vaginosis. In Schwinghammer TL et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2017.
Baugh G, Ponte CD. Acute pain management. In Schwinghammer TL et al, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2017.
Abate MA, Ponte CD. Diarrhea. In Schwinghammer TL, Koehler JM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014: 124-126.
Ponte CD. Insulinophobia – It’s Time to Put Away Your Fears. AADE in Practice (Practice Pearl) 2015 (May): 46-47.
Ponte CD. Bacterial Vaginosis. In Schwinghammer TL, Koehler JM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014: 363-365.
Baugh G, Ponte CD. Acute pain management. In Schwinghammer TL, Koehler JM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014: 198-200.
Ponte CD. Steroids – It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. AADE in Practice 2014 (March):48
Ponte CD and Doyle GA. ACE Inhibitors: Are they worth their salt? Am J Ther 2014 Jan 21[Epub ahead of print]
Ponte CD. Don’t assume anything. AADE in Practice 2013; January: 32. (Practice Pearls)
Ponte CD. A reconsideration of the faculty peer review process for promotion and tenure. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching & Learning 2013; 5(3): 233-235. (Opinion)
Ponte CD. It’s The Little Things That Count. AADE in Practice (Online Archive – Practice Pearls Section) – April 1, 2011
Ponte CD. Leave them just a little different (Essay) – In: Zlatic TD, Zellmer WA, eds. Nourishing the Soul of Pharmacy – Stories of Reflection. Lenexa, Kansas: ACCP, 2011: 279-283
Ponte CD. Making wise analgesic choices: avoiding drug-drug and drug-disease state interactions. Pain Pract 2010; 20: 53-56. (article from the edited audio transcript of presentation made at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pain Management – September 22)
Ponte CD. Bacterial vaginosis. In: Schwinghammer TL and Koehler JM , eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 8th ed. New York, McGraw- Hill, 2011: 355-357.
Ponte CD. Improving communication in the health care setting. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2011; 68: 666-667 (New Practitioners Forum)
Abate MA, Ponte CD. Diarrhea. In: Schwinghammer TL, Koehler JM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 8th ed. New York: McGraw- Hill, 2011: 120-122.
Carbonara G, Ponte CD. Acute pain management. In: Schwinghammer TL, Koehler JM, eds.Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient- Focused Approach. 8th ed. New York: McGraw- Hill, 2011: 191-193.
Dang D, Pucino F, Ponte CD and Calis K. Glucose and insulin dysregulation. In: Tisdale JE and Miller DA, eds. Drug- Induced Diseases: Prevention, Detection and Management. 2nd ed. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2010:571-585.
Ponte CD. A tale from the trenches. In: Pangilinan JM and Waddell JA, eds. On Being a Pharmacist – True Stories by Pharmacists. Washington, DC: American Pharmacists Association, 2010:134
"HSC Heroes" recognition (from the office of the VP for Health Sciences Center) - October 13, 2021
Conway, S E, Hwang, AY, Ponte, CD and Gums, JG. Laboratory and Clinical Monitoring of Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants: What Clinicians Need to Know. Pharmacotherapy, 37: 236–248, 2017. doi:10.1002/phar.1884 *One of 40 most cited articles in the journal (all time, listed in the AACP: 40th anniversary virtual issue of the journal, September 5, 2019)
HSC Vice-Presidents Awards for Outstanding Achievement – Master Clinician Award – April 2019
P4 Teacher of the Year – WVU SOP – April 2018
Outstanding Reviewer Status (Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands) – Top 10% (number of reviews in 2 year period) – for Le Pharmacien Hospitalier Et Clinicien (awarded September 2017)
Distinguished Member/Diplomate – American Society of Pain Educators – July 2017
WVU Department of Family Medicine Faculty Scholar Award (2015-2016) –June 2016
2016 Distinguished Alumnus – Yale New Haven Hospital (Pharmacy Residency Program) – May 2016
Invited nominee (National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators) - AADE/ADA workgroup (review/revise the Diabetes Self-Management Education Standards) – March 2016
Invited Nominee – Regional Councilor (Region III-M) – The Rho Chi Society – January 2015
P4 Teacher of the Year – WVU School of Pharmacy – May 2014
Commendation Letter (Editor) – Annals of Internal Medicine – Reviewer Excellence - 2013, 2014
Faculty Award for Excellence in Resident Teaching – WVU Department of Family Medicine –June 2013
Fellow – American Association of Diabetes Educators – June 2013
Nominee (School of Pharmacy) – NIH Review Panel (proposal to create NIH Pain Consortium’s Centers of Excellence in Pain Education) – March 2012
USP Award for Innovative Response to Public Health Challenges (awarded to members of USP’s Medicare Model Guidelines Expert Panel) - 2011
WVU Distinguished Service Recognition Award (30 yrs. of service) - December 2010 Certificate of Recognition – WVU SOP – Research Day– October 2010
Cited in Top 30% of all reviews for 2009 - Annals of Internal Medicine - February 2010
Additional Info
Teaching Interests and Courses Taught
Teaching interests:
My teaching interests lie in the traditional classroom (didactic) and clinical (patient care) settings. I serve as a Family Medicine clinical preceptor for PharmD students and participate as coordinator and lecturer in a variety of didactic offerings of the School of Pharmacy. Specific topics include the medical management of diabetes mellitus and its complications, pain management and selected topics in women’s health and geriatric pharmacotherapy. I also provide monthly didactic presentations in the Department of Family Medicine to residents, medical students and faculty. Importantly, in all my teaching endeavors, I try to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning which incorporates traditional and novel interactive methodologies.
Courses taught:
Doctor of Pharmacy
PharmD Clerkship Preceptor (Family Medicine) - Pharmacy 848
Co-Coordinator – Endocrine SBT – Pharmacy 833
Invited lecturer - Foundational Pharmacy Skills – Pharmacy 811
Invited lecturer – Medical Pharmacology – PCol 801(SOM)
Invited lecturer – Comp Assessment of Practice - Pharmacy 858
Service-Learning Practice Experience 1 & 2 – Pharmacy 822 & 832
Acute Care Practice Experience- IPE Initiative (Facilitator) – Pharmacy 848
Invited lecturer - Human Function – CCMD 730 (SOM)
Family Medicine
Third Year Medical Student Curriculum - didactic and clinical teaching
Residency Training Program - didactic and clinical teaching
Practice Interests
My clinical activities center on the provision of focused pharmaceutical care services to Family Medicine patients primarily in the in-patient setting. Examples of these services include patient interviews to evaluate drug taking behaviors, diabetes self-care assessment, therapeutic patient monitoring, pharmacokinetic consultations and drug therapy management. Solicited consultations are also provided for ambulatory patients seen in the Clark K. Sleeth Family Practice Center (CKSFPC). I also participate as a member of an interdisciplinary provider team in a discharge clinic affiliated with the Center.
Research and Scholarship Interests
Research activities have included survey assessments of provider attitudes and beliefs related to the prescribing and dispensing of opioids in the management of malignant and nonmalignant chronic pain and provider management of selected gynecologic disorders. Publications in the form of reviews, case reports and editorials have primarily arisen from my clinical/patient care activities in the Department of Family Medicine. I maintain active interests in the areas of diabetes education and management, gynecologic infections, pain management, instructional methodologies and competency, clinical pharmacy education, faculty development and ethics.
Selected Grants and Contracts
09/15/2019- 07/31/2022 – Enhancing Diabetes and Hypertension Self-
Management for Rural Appalachian Patients in Patient-Centered
Medical Homes. $684,000.00. Funded by NIH/NHLBI R34HL141721. Co-Investigator, PI: Ranjita Misra
About Charles Ponte
Dr. Ponte’s career has focused on pharmacy education, the training of medical students and residents in Family Medicine and the provision of pharmaceutical care. At WVU, he has received five outstanding teacher awards from the School of Pharmacy and received the 2008 School of Pharmacy Board of Advisors Award for excellence in teaching. Dr. Ponte was the 2008-2009 School of Pharmacy nominee for the WVU Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching. He has been honored three times for excellence in resident teaching in the Department of Family Medicine. He received the inaugural Department of Family Medicine Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award for 2002-2003 and was again recognized with the 2015-2016 Faculty Scholar Award. He has also been recognized as a seven-time finalist for the excellence in student teaching award in the Department of Family Medicine. Dr. Ponte was inducted into the 2009 inaugural class of the WVU Health Sciences Center Academy of Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Dr. Ponte is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist, is board-certified in advanced diabetes management and holds additional certifications in diabetes education and pain education. He was a former diplomat of the Academy of Integrative Pain Management (organization dissolved as of January 2019) and is a distinguished member /diplomate of the American Society of Pain Educators. His practice interests include the management of diabetes mellitus and its complications, pain management and women’s health issues. He has authored numerous articles in a wide variety of professional journals and is an active lecturer. He currently serves on the editorial advisory boards of the Annals of Pharmacotherapy (chairman – family medicine editorial panel, 2003-2013, current member – ambulatory care panel), Pharmacotherapy and the Pharmacist’s/Prescriber’s Letters. He completed a five-year term (2005-2010) as a member of the USP Expert Committee on Endocrinology. In 2010, he was appointed to the USP Medicare Model Guidelines Expert Panel. He also completed terms as a member of the editorial advisory boards of the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, The Diabetes Educator, the APhA DrugInfo Line (section advisor – diabetes care) and the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists DANA initiative (technology resource for diabetes educators). He also served as an editorial board member (and section advisor Pharmacotherapy) for Practical Pain Management. He is a former two-term member of the USP Advisory Panel for Family Practice and was an elected member of the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties Specialty Council on Nutrition Support Pharmacy Practice. He also served as a member of the Steering Committee of the National Diabetes Education Program, a member of the Certification Board for Diabetes Education Specialists (CBDES), as a board member and past president of the West Virginia Affiliate of the American Diabetes Association and completed terms as a member of various ad hoc committees and task forces of the CBDES. He also briefly served as a member of the Content Expert Panel of the American Nurses Credentialing Center, which administers the advanced diabetes management examination. He also served as a board member and past president of the WV Association of Diabetes Educators. He is a fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, the American Pharmaceutical Association and the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists. Dr. Ponte is a member of many professional and honorary organizations (including service as WVU chapter president for Sigma Xi and Phi Kappa Phi) and has received many professional awards and honors including the 2003 APhA/APPM Distinguished Achievement Award in Clinical/Pharmacotherapeutic Practice, the 2005 University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy Distinguished Alumnus Award (Academia Category) and the 2006 Distinguished Service Award from the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators. He was elected into the National Academies of Practice (Academy of Pharmacy) in November 2007. In 2009, Dr. Ponte received the inaugural Academic Pain Educator of the Year Award from the American Society of Pain Educators. In 2011, Dr. Ponte was the recipient of the USP Award for an Innovative Response to a Public Health Challenge in recognition as a member of the 2010-2015 Medicare Model Guidelines Expert Panel. In 2016, Dr. Ponte was selected as a Distinguished Alumnus of the Yale-New Haven Hospital pharmacy residency program. In 2019, Dr. Ponte received the Vice Presidents’ Master Clinician Award from the WVU Health Sciences Center.
Additional Info
Teaching interests: Large classroom teaching Facilitation of small group discussions Use of technology to enhance teaching Clinical teaching (at the patient bedsise)
Patient Care Information
Medical Specialties
- Family Medicine
Special Training
Residency, Hospital Pharmacy Resident
Yale-New Haven Hospital, 1976