Professor and Senior Advisor
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Radiology
- Classification:
- Faculty
- MD, University of Zurich
1. Cisternography in Detection of Cerebrospinal Fluid Abnormalities. Thesis, Berne, 1974.
2. Frick MP, Kinser J. Roesler H: Functional Evaluation of Ventriculo-atrial and Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunts with 99m-Tc-Pertechnetate. Neuroradiology 7:145-152, 1974.
3. Ramos M, Grimm M, Frick MP, Roesler H: Valoracion Clinical de la Escintrigrafia Cerebral en Tres Tiempos con 99m-Tc-Pertechnetato. Radiologia 16:479-492, 1974.
4. Frick MP, Ramos M, Roesler H: Examine Functional de los Derivaciones Ventriculi-Peritoneales-Auriculares con 99m-Tc-Pertechnetato. Radiologia 16:511-518, 1974.
5. Frick MP, Roesler H, Mumenthaler M, Steinsiepe K: Prognostic value of Radionuclide Cisternography in Patients with Communicating Hydrocephalus. Fortschr, Roentgenstr 121:634-643, 1974.
6. Frick MP, Loken MK, Goldberg ME, Simmons RL: Use of 99m-Tc-Sulfur Colloid in Evaluation of Renal Transplant Complications. J Nucl Med 17:181-183, 1976.
7. Loken MK, Frick MP: Radionuiclide Scintigraphy of the Brain. Modern Medicine 51-56, 1976.
8. Frick MP, Goldberg ME, Simmons RL, Loken MK: Monitoring Rejecting Renal Grafts with 99m-Tc-Sulfur Colloid. J Nucl Med 17:939-940, 1976.
9. Frick, MP, Roesler H, Escher F: Radionuclide Cisternography in Detection of Rhinorrhea, HNO 67-74, 1977.
10. Frick, MP, Ponto RA, Pyle RB, Yasmineh WG, Loken MK: Scintigraphic Visualization of Myocardial Infarcts in Baboons Using Thallium-201 and Technetium-99m Pyrophosphate. Cardiology 63-33-38, 1978.
11. Frick, MP, Knight LC, Ponto RA, Loken MK: Evaluation of Liver Hematomas in Dogs with Three Imaging Modalities. J Nucl Med 19:737, 1978.
12. Frick, MP, Ponto R, Loken MK: Clinical Applications of Single Gama Emission Computed Tomography of the Brain in Comparison with Conventional Scintillation Camera Imaging and Transmission Computed Tomography. Medical Imaging 3:28, 1978.
13. Frick, MP, Knight LC, Feinberg SB, Loken MK: Computed Tomography, Radionuclide Imaging and Ultrasound in Hepatic Mass Lesions. Computerized Tomography 3:49-55, 1979.
14. Frick, MP, Henke C, Forstrom L, Simmons RA, Loken MK: The Value of Indium-III-Labeled Leukocytes in Evaluation of Acute Renal Transplant Rejection. Clin Nucl Med 4:24-25, 1979.
15. Williams LE, Loken MK, Ponto RA, Frick MP: The Effect of Photon Energy on Tests of Field Uniformity in Scintillation Cameras. J Nucl Med 20:363, 1979.
16. Ascher NL, Ahrenholz DH, Simmons RL, Frick MP, McCullough J: Indium-III Autologous Tagged Leukocytes in the Diagnosis of Intraperitoneal Sepsis. Arch Surg 114:386-392, 1979.
17. Walker HC, Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Gedgaudas E: The Barium Enema: Is It Alive? Minn Med 62:259, 1979.
18. Frick, MP, Knight LC, Ponto RA, Loken MK: Evaluation of Liver Hematomas in Dogs with Three Imaging Modalities. J Nucl Med 20:448-449, 1979.
19. Loken MK, Frick MP: Role of Nuclear Medicine in Oncology. Minn Med 62:491-494, 1979.
20. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Knight LC: Evaluation of Retroperitoneum with Computerized Tomography and Ultrasonography in Patients with Testicular Tumors. Computerized Tomography 3:181-184, 1979.
21. Williams LW, Loken MK, Frick, MP: On a Psychophysical Gray Scale for Viewing Photoscan Transparencies. J Nucl Med 20:1215-1216, 1979.
22. William LW, Loken MK, Forstrom LA, Ponto RA, Frick MP: Radionuclide Left Ventricular dv/dt and Its Dependence on Cardiac Rate. J Nucl Med 20:997-998, 1979.
23. Casteneda W, Amplatz K, Frick MP, et al: Estudio Integral de las Complications del Transplante Renal Mediante el uso de Diferentes Metodos Diagnosticos: I: Complications Parenquinatosas del Transplante Renal. Rev Mex Radiol 33:127-138, 1979.
24. Casteneda W, Amplatz K, Frick MP, et al: Estudio Integral de las Complications del Transplante Renal Mediante el uso de Diferentes Metodos Diagnosticos: II: Complications Vasculares del Transplante Renal. Rev Mex Radiol 33:141-151, 1979.
25. Casteneda W., Amplatz K, Frick MP, et al: Estudio Integral de las Complications del Transplante Renal Mediante el uso de Diferentes Metodos Diagnosticos: III: Complications Urological del Transplante Renal. Rev Mex Radiol 33:152-161, 1979.
26. Frick MP, Kamma Luddin A, Loken MK: Repeat 67-Gallium Imaging for Localization of Septic Lesions. Minn Med 63:5,311-313, 1980.
27. Frick MP, Goldberg ME: Uroradiographic and Angiographic Findings in a “Normal” Population: Screening of 151 Symptom-Free Potential Transplant Patients for Renal Disease. AJR 145:503-505, 1980.
28. Crass JR, Frick MP, Loken MK: The Scintigraphic Appearance of the Spleen Following Splenic Artery Resection. Radiology 136:737-739, 1980.
29. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Sibley R, Idstrom ME: Ultrasound in Acute Renal Transplant Rejection. Radiology 138:657-660, 1981.
30. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Loken MK: Noninvasive Spleen Scanning in Hodgkin’s Disease and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Computerized Tomography 5:73-80, 1981.
31. Goodale RL, Condie R, Gajl-Peczalska K, Taylor T, O’Leary JF, Dressel T, Borner JW, Frick MP, Fryd DS: Clinical and Secretory Differences in Pancreatic Cancer and Chronic Pancreatitis. Ann Surg 194:193-198, 1981.
32. Itani S, Frick MP, Dressel T, Roth Y, Borner J, Goodale RL: Obstructing Esophageal Hematoma: A Case Report and Experimental Study. Jpn J Surg 12:35-40, 1981.
33. Loken, MK, Frick MP, Cook A, Ponto BA, Williams L: Evaluation of a Single Photon Emission Tomographic System. In Emission Computed Tomography: The Single Photon Approach. Paras P, Eikman EA, eds. Pp. 252-267, US Dept. of Health and Human Services. HHS Publication FDA 81-8177, 1982.
34. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Stenlund RR, Gedgaudas E: Evaluation of Abdomino-Cutaneous Fistulas with Conventional Radiography and Computed Body Tomography. Computerized Tomography 6:17-25, 1982.
35. Frick MP, O’Leary JF, Walker HC, Goodale RL: The Value of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in the Prediction of Benign and Malignant Pancreatic Disease. Gastrointest Radio 7:241-244, 1982.
36. Walker HC Jr. Feinberg SB, Frick MP, Gedgaudas E: Preliminary Results of the Minnesota colon Cancer Control Survey: Fact or Fable? Minn Med 65:8, 487-488, 1982.
37. Frick MP, Feinberg SB: Biliary Cystadenomas. AJR 139:393-395, 1982.
38. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Goodale RL: The Value of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in Patients with Suspected Pancreatic Malignancy and Indeterminate CT Results. Surg Gynecol Obst 155: 177-182, 1982.
39. Frick MP, Feinberg SB: Deceptions in Localizing Extrahepatic Right Upper Abdominal Mass Lesions by CT. AJR 139:501-504, 1982.
40. O’Leary JF, Frick MP, Droege R, Jackola D, Borner J, Gedgaudas E, Goodale RL: Measurement of Pancreatic Contrast Disappearance by Sequential CT Scan. Surg Gastroenterol 1:197-202, 1982.
41. Frick MP: Book review: Radiology in Disorders of the Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas by Joe Arigame, Igaku-Shoin. Medical Publications, Inc. 1981. Gastrointest Radiol 7:398, 1982. (BR)
42. Salomonowitz E, Frick MP, Sommer G: Symptomatic Inguinal Hernia: Association with Intraabdominal Mass Lesions. Gastrointest Radiol 8:371-374, 1983.
43. Tubman DE, Frick MP, Hanto DW: Lymphoma after Organ Transplantation: Radiologic Manifestations In Central Nervous System, Thorax and Abdomen. Radiology 149, 625- 631,1983.
44. Salomonowitz E, Frick MP, Lund G: Radiologic Diagnosis of Wandering Spleen Complicated by Splenic Volvulus and Infarction. Gastrointest Radiol 9:57-59, 1984.
45. Salomonowitz E, Frick MP, Lund G, Cragg AH: The Adhesiometer: A Simple Device to Measure Adherence of Barium Sulfate to Intestinal Mucosa. AJR 142:721-723, 1984.
46. Frick MP, Salomonowitz E, Hanto DW, Gedgaudas K: Computed Tomography of Abdominal Post-Transplant Lymphoma. AJR 142:97-99, 1984.
47. Frick MP, Snover DC, Feinberg SB, Salomonowitz E, Crass JR, Ramsay NKC: Sonography of the Gallbladder in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients. Am J Gastroenterol 79:122- 127, 1984.
48. Frick MP, O’Leary TF, Hutton SW, Stoltenberg P, Goodale RL, Salomonowitz E: Pancreatic CT After Endoscopic Retrograde Pancreatography. Radiology 150:191-194, 1984.
49. Salomonowitz E, Frick MP, O’Leary JP, Simmons RL, Amplatz K: Obliteration of the Gallbladder Using Catheter Techniques. Arch Surg 119:725-729, 1984.
50. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Manto DW: Sonography of Abdominal Post-Transplant Lymphoma. J Clin Ultrasound 12:383-385, 1984.
51. Salomonowitz E, Frick MP: Assessment of Adhesion of Barium to Mucus using an “Adhesiometer”- An Experimental Study in Dogs and Pigs. Dig Dis Sci 29:659-663, 1984.
52. Salomonowitz E, Frick MP: HLB Values Relative to Coating of Barium Suspensions. Dig Dis Sci 29:659-663, 1984.
53. Frick MP, Gedgaudas E: The Value of CT in Crohn’s Disease. Festschrift in Commemoration of Dr. R. Marshak. Mount Sinai J Med 51:368-371, 1984.
54. Frick MP, Maile CW, Crass JR, Goldberg ME, Delaney JP: CT Evaluation of Neutropenic Colitis. AJR 143:763-765, 1984.
55. Pruett TL, Rotstein OD, Crass Jr, Frick MP, Simmons RL: Percutaneous aspirations (PCA) and drainage ((PCD) in the management of intraabdominal infection. Surgery 96:731- 736, 1984.
56. Crass RJ, Simmons RL, Frick MP, Maile CW: Percutaneous Decompression of the Colon using CT Guidance in Ogilvie’s Syndrome. AJR 144:475-476, 1985.
57. Goldberg ME, Frick MP, Maile CW: Pseudomyxoma Peritonei. AJR 144:1290-1293, 1985.
58. Maile CW, Frick MP, Crass JR, Snover DC, Weissdorf SA, Kersey JH: The Plain Radiograph in Acute Graft Versus Host Disease. AJR 145: 289-292, 1985.
59. Zollikofer CL, Salomonowitz E, Bruehlmann WF, Frick MP, Castenada-Zuniga WR, Amplatz K. Significance of Balloon Pressure Recording During Angioplasty. Roefo 142:5:527- 530, 1985.
60. Crass CR, Maile CW, Frick MP: Catheter Drainage of the Posterior Left Subphrenic Space: A Reliable Percutaneous Approach. Gastrointest Radio 10:397-398, 1985.
61. Maile CW, Crass JR, Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Goldberg ME, Sutherland DER: CT of Pancreas Transplantation. Invest Radiol 20:609-612, 1985.
62. Johnson S, Frick MP, Loken MK: Detection of Right Subphrenic Fluid Collections Using Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT): An Experimental Study. Computerized Radiology 95:319-323, 1985.
63. Salomonowitz E, Frick MP, Morin RL: Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance as Predictor of Mucus Coating with Barium Sulfate. Gastrointest Radio 11:93-96, 1986.
64. Boudreau RJ, Frick MP, Levy RM, Lund G, Sirr SA, Loken MK: The Preliminary Evaluation of MnDTPA as a Potential Contrast Agent for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Am J Physiol Imag 1:19-25, 1986.
65. Letourneau JG, Day DL, Frick MP: Ultrasound and Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Hepatic Transplantation in: Organ Transplantation. Radiol. Clin. North Am. 25:323-332, 1987.
66. Letourneau JG, Day DL, Maile CW, Crass JR, Ascher NL, Frick MP: Liver allograft transplantation: Postoperative CT findings. AJR 149:1099-1103, 1987.
67. Kelly RB, Mahoney PD, Frick MP: Retropsoas recess: Demonstration using Computed Tomography. Invest Radiol 22:550-554, 1987.
68. McGill JE, Rysavy JA, Frick MP: Experimental Investigations into the Problem of Hexabrix/Papeverine Interaction. Radiology 166:577-578, 1988.
69. Mehr, SH, Franze I, Faulk RM, Moore IJ, Frick MP: Indium-111 Labeled Leukocyte Imaging I the Diagnosis and Follow-up of Malignant Otitis Externa. Clin Nuc Med 13:212-213, 1988.
70. Letourneau JG, Thompson WM, Goldberg ME, Snover AC, Grage TB, Frick MP: Progressive CT Appearance of Hepatic Metastases from Colorectal Carcinoma. Gastrointestinal Radiol 13:145-151, 1988.
71. Ferrante SL, Gurney JW, Schreiman JS, Frick MP: A Vascular Mediastinal Mass with Calcifications. J AM Bd Fam Pract 2:272-274, 1989.
72. Ferrante SL, Schreiman JS, Wilmot M, Frick MP: Lopamidol Enema Mimicking Bowel Perforation. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 8:421-423, 1989.
73. Siffring AP, Forrest TS, Frick MP: Hernias of the Inferior Lumbar Space: Diagnosis with Ultrasound. Radiology 170:190, 1989.
74. Frick MP, Salzinger F, Arch JK: Omaha Consortium Organizes Metabolic Imaging Center. Diagn. Imaging 6:69-73, 1989.
75. Siffring PA, Forrest TS, Hill WC, Frick MP: Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of bronchopulmonary foregut malformation. J Ultrasound Med 8:277-280, 1989.
76. Siffring PA, Gupta NC, Mohiuddin SM, Esterbrooks DH, Hilleman DE, Frick MP, Sketch MH: Myocardial uptake and clearance of Thallium – 201 in normal subjects: Comparison of adenosine induced hyperemia and exercise stress. Radiology 173:769-774, 1989.
77. Loken MK, Hawkins RA, Gupta, NC, Frick MP: Positron Emission Tomography (PET): A unique approach for the imaging of in vivo metabolism. Nebr Med J. 74:333-339, 1989.
78. Lefkowitz DM, Gupta NC, Rysavy JA, Deutch R, Frick MP: A Simple and Precise Method of Superimposing PET and MR Images. JNM 30:876-877, 1989.
79. Ferrante SL, Schreiman JS, Rouse JW, Rysavy JA, Cheng SC, Frick MP: Isovue as a Gastrointestinal Contrast Agent: Lack of Peritoneal Reactivity. Investig Radiol 25:141-145, 1990.
80. Gleason JM, Frick MP: The Expected Value of Cash Flows in the Economic Analysis of Clinical Positron Emission Tomography of the Heart. JNM 31:1893-1894, 1990.
81. Gleason JM, Frick MP: Economic Reprioritization of PET. Clin Cardiology 13:825-826, 1990.
82. Siffring PA, Forrest TS, Frick MP: Sonographic Detection of Hydrolethalus Syndrome. J Clin Ultrasound 19:43-47, 1991.
83. Ferrante SL, Perry RE, Schreiman JS, Cheng, SC, Frick MP: The Reproducibility of Measuring the Anorectal Angle in Defecography. Dis Colon Rectum 34:51-55, 1991.
84. Chin HW, Fruin AH, Bertoni JM, Frick MP: Application of Positron Emission Tomography to Neurological Oncology. Nebr Med J 76:70-73, 1991.
85. Gupta NC, Esterbrooks D, Mohiuddin S, Hilleman D, Sunderland JJ, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Adenosine in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Am Heart J 122:293-301, 1991.
86. Harrison KA, Dalrymple GV, Frick MP, Gupta NC: Nuclear Cardiology: Current Practice and Future Trends. Applied Radiology 20:17-20, 1991.
87. Chilton HM, Hawkins RA, Maddahi ME, Huebner KF, Frick MP: Planning and Financing a PET Center. JNM 32:35N-51N, 1991.
88. Frick MP: Financial Implications of PET in a Clinical Setting, Proceedings of the Forum on Investigational and Experimental Modalities, pp 17-19, 1991, Health Insurance Association of America, Washington, D.C. 20036-3998.
89. Gupta NC, Dewan N, Frank A, Rothberg M. Mailliard J, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Positron Emission Tomographic Imaging in the Differential Diagnosis of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules. Radiology 184:441-444, 1992.
90. Frick MP: Editorial: Message from ICP President. PET News (Japan), No. 1, pp 5-6, Autumn, 1992.
91. Frick MP, Gupta NC, Sunderland JJ, Best MA, Rysavy JA, Shiue CY: Considerations in Setting up a PET Center. Semin Nucl. Med 22:182-188, 1992.
92. Gupta NC, Falk PM, Thorson AM, Frick MP, Frank AL: PET-FDG Imaging for Preoperative Staging of Colorectal Cancer. Nebr Med J 26:30-35, 1992.
93. Gupta NC, Esterbrooks D, Siffring PA, Hilleman DE, Frick MP: Thallium 201 Myocardial Imaging In Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Comparison of Intravenous Adenosine and Oral Dipyridamole. Ann Pharmacother. 26:1352-1357, 1992.
94. Terry JD, Rysavy JA, Frick MP: Intrarenal Doppler: Characteristics of Aging Kidneys. J Ultrasound Med, 11:647-651, 1992.
95. Gupta NC, Esterbrooks D, Mohiuddin S, Hilleman D, Sunderland J, Shiue CY, Frick MP: PET Detection of Ischemic, Viable Myocardium Following Thrombolytic Therapy. Am J Cardiol, in press, 1992.
96. Frick MP: Book review: Hubner KF, Collmann J, Buonocore E, Kabalka GW: Clinical Positron Emission Tomography. Radiology 186:652, 1993.
97. Frick MP: Book Review: Bergmann SR, Sobel BE: Positron Emission Tomography of the Heart. Radiology 188:846, 1993.
98. Shiue CY, Bai LQ, Shiue GG, Rysavy JA, Frick MP, Catt JD: Synthesis of (+) – [18-F] BMY 14802, its Enantiomers and their Anatomical Distribution in Rodents. Nucl Med Biol 5:625-630, 1993.
99. Gupta NC, Frick MP: Clinical Applications of Positron Emission computerized Tomography in Cancer. Cancer 46:235-254, 1993.
100. Dewan N, Gupta NC, Redepenning I, Phalen JJ, Frick MP: Diagnostic Efficacy of PET-FDG Imaging in Solitary Pulmonary Nodules: Potential Role in Evaluation and Management. Chest, 104, 997-1004, 1993.
101. Gupta NC, Frick MP. Clinical applications of Positron Emission Tomography in Cancer. Ca Cancer J Clin 43:235-254, 1993.
102. Wahl RL, Hawkins R, Larson SM, Hendee W, Coleman RE, Frick MP, Gatsonis C, Brown GS, Shtern F: Proceedings of a National Cancer Institute Workshop: PET in Oncology – a clinical research agenda. Radiology 193:604-606, 1994.
103. Latchaw RE, Frick MP: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography of the Visual System. Ophthalmology Clinics of North America. 7:367-376, 1994.
104. Gupta NC, Frank AR, Dewan NA, Frick MP: Solitary Pulmonary Nodules: Detection of Malignancy with PET with 2 [F-18] Fluoro-2-Deoxy-d-Glucose. Yearbook of Diagnostic Radiology 1994 pp. 54-55.
105. Falk PM, Gupta NC, Thorson AM, Frick MP, Bowman B, Christensen MA, Blatchford GJ, Cali RL: Positron Emission Tomography for Preoperative Staging of Colorectal Carcinoma. J Dis Colon Rectum 37:153-156, 1994
106. Gupta NC, Frick MP, Frank AL, Bowman B: Utility of PET-FDG Imaging in Patients with Treated Colorectal Cancer. Cancer, Submitted October 1994.
107. Mazziotta JC, Frick MP et al: The Impact of Positron Emission Tomography on Physician Decision Making: A Multi-Center Descriptive Study. JAMA, Submitted 1994.
108. Gupta NC, Frank AL, Frick MP: Pet-FDG imaging in the treatment monitoring of lung cancer. Journal of Radiation Oncology and Biology, Submitted 1995.
109. Shock D, Frick MP, Douglass K. Phased Approach to DICOM Compliant Medical Imaging System as Part of a Health Care Network. Proceed. 4th Int’l Conf. On Image Management and Communication (IMAC 95), 53-56, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
110. Shock D, Frick MP, Douglass K. Comparison of Rural Remote Site Production of Digital Image Employing a Film Digitizer or a Computer Radiography (CR) System. Proceed. 4th Int’l Conf. On Image Management and Communication (IMAC 95), 71-74, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
111. Weiser JC, Drummond KT, Evans ED, Shock DJ, Frick MP: Quality Assurance for Digital Imaging. J Digital Imaging 10:7-8, 1997.
112. Weiser JC, Shock DJ, Stemple JR, Drummond KT, Frick MP: Updating a Legacy PACS: Experience with Hardware and Operational Integration during Transition to a New Architecture. J Digital Imaging, 1998.
1. Frick MP, Ponto RA, Loken MK: Clinical Applications of Single Gamma Emission Computerized Tomography of the Brain. J Nucl Med 19:700, 1978.
2. Frick MP, Knight LC, Feinberg SE, Gedgaudas E, Loken MK: Radionuclide Imaging, Computed Tomography, and Ultrasonography in Hepatic Disease. Proc. 2nd Int’l Congr Nucl Med Biology 10, 1978.
3. Ponto RA, Frick MP, Loken MK, Williams LE: An Evaluation of an Emission Computerized Tomography System. Proc. 2nd Int’l Congr Nucl Med Biology 45, 1978.
4. Loken MK, Frick MP, Ponto RA: Clinical Evaluation of Emission Tomography I Brain Imaging. Proc 2nd Int’l Congr Nucl Med Biology 146, 1978.
5. Frick MP, Knight LC, Loken MK: The Complementary Role of 67-Gallium and CT Scans for Detection of Abdominal Inflammation in Immun-deficient Patients. Proc 2nd Int’l Congr Nucl Med Biology 146, 1978.
6. Hoogland Dr, Weichert JP, Sirr SA, Frick MP: Effect of Solubility on the Biodistribution and Evaluation of 16-123I-9-Hexadecanoic Acid as a Myocardial Imaging Agent. Proc 2nd Int’l Symp Radiopharmaceuticals 55-66, 1979.
7. Winchet FP, Sirr SA, Hoogland AR, Frick MP, Loken MK: Effect of Solubility of the Biodistribution and the Evaluation of 16-123 I-9-Hexadecanoic Acid as Myocardial Imaging Agent. AJF 132:486, 1979.
8. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Stenlund RR, Gedgaudas E: Evaluation of Intra-and Retroperitoneal Fistulas with Computed Body Tomography (CT). Gastrointest Radiol 4:387, 1980.
9. Frick MP, O’Leary JF, Stenlund RR, Droege R, Goodale RL, Gedgaudas E: Organ-specific Enhancement of the Pancreas: An Experimental Study. Invest Radiol 16:388, 1981.
10. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Goodale RL: Value of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Patients With Suspected Carcinoma of the Pancreas and Indeterminate Computed Tomographic Results. Radiology 147:309, 1982.
11. Frick MP, O’Leary JF, Walker HC, Goodale RL: Accuracy of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in Differentiating Benign and Malignant Pancreatic Disease. Radiology 146:865, 1983.
12. Salomonowitz E, Frick MP, Amplatz K: Obliteration of the Gallbladder Using Catheter Techniques. Investig Radiol 18, S8, 1983.
13. Johnson SD, Loken WK, Tennison JR, Mielke DK, Frick MP: Detection of Masses in the Subphrenic Space. J Nucl Med 24:37, 1983.
14. Frick MP, Salomonowitz E, Gedgaudas E: Computed Body Tomography after Endoscopic Retrograde Pancreatography. Radiology 149:174, 1983.
15. Maile CW, Crass JR, Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Goldberg ME, Sutherland CER: CT of Pancreas Transplantation. Invest Radiol 19:514,53, 1984.
16. Frick MP, Salomonowitz E, Feinberg SB: Sonography of Abdominal Post-Transplant Lymphoma. Radiology 155:849, 1985.
17. Boudreau RJ, Frick MP, Levey RM, Sirr SA, Lund G, Loken MK: Mn-54 DTPA distribution in dogs: Evaluation as a potential contrast agent. JNM 5:109, 1985.
18. Boudreau RJ, Frick MP, Levey RM, Sirr SA, Loken MK: The kinetics of distribution of Mn-54 DTPA in dogs: Evaluation of metal chelates as NMR contrast agents. ARRJ Program P60, 1985.
19. Pruett TL, Rotstein J, Crass JR, Frick MP, Simmons RL: Percutaneous Aspiration and Drainage in the Management of Intraabdominal Collections in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients. Proc 3rd Int Symp on Immunocompromised Host, Toronto, Canada, 1985.
20. Crass JR, Maile CW, Frick MP: Catheter Drainage of the Left Posterior Subphrenic Space: A Reliable Percutaneous Approach. Postgrad Radiol, 1986.
21. Crass JR, Simmons RL, Frick MP, Maile CW: Percutaneous Decompression of the Colon Using CT Guidance in Ogilvie Syndrome. Yearbook of Diagnostic Radiology, Chicago: Yearbook Medical Publishers, 1986.
22. Elyaderani MK, Frick MP: Percutaneous Management of Ureteral Strictures. South Med J 79:58, 1986.
23. McGill JE, Johnson JF, Elyaderani MK, DeMeester T, Rysavy JA, Frick MP: The Role of Abdominal Angiography in the Preoperative Evaluation of Colonic Interposition. Radiology 161, 311, 1986.
24. Frick MP, Rongone E, Rysavy JA, Schreiman JS: Iodinated Fatty Acids as Hepatic Imaging Agent for CT. Radiology 165 suppl. 316, 1988.
25. Mehr SH, Franze I, Frick MP: Importance of Duodenogastric Reflux Evaluation during Routine Hepatobiliary Cholescintigraphy. Radiology 165 suppl. 216, 1988.
26. Rysavy JA, Mohiuddin SM, Mathias R, Frick MP: Angiostat Collagen Embolization as a Model of Acute Coronary Infarct in Dogs. Radiology 169:342, 1988.
27. Faulk R, Elyaderani MK, Frick MP, Rysavy JA, Bewtra C: Needle Selection for Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Abdominal Organs. Radiology 16:196, 1988.
28. Frick MP, Lefkowitz D, Shiue CY, Gupta N, Loken MK: Establishing a Clinical Center for Metabolic Imaging with PET. Radiology 173 (P) Suppl 435, 1989.
29. Gupta NC, Mohiuddin S, Hilleman D, Esterbrooks D, Iskandrian A, Frick MP: Comparative Diagnostic Efficacy of Adenosine Infusion (AI) and Treadmill Exercise (ET) SPECT Thallium Imaging for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Detection. JNM 31:733, 1990.
30. Gupta NC, Bailey R, Sugimoto J, Hunter W, Hagen J, Frick MP: Is Low Dose Aspirin an Effective Inhibitor of Platelet Aggregation in Vivo? JNM 31:891, 1990.
31. Frick MP, Gupta NC, Shiue, CY: Clinical Metabolic Imaging Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET): A Timely Addition to the Diagnostic Imaging Armamentarium. Investig Radiol 25:1350, 1990.
32. Chin HW, Fruin AH, Frick MP, Bertoni JM: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Study for Brain Brachytherapy of Malignant Tumors. South Med J 1990: 83, 58.
33. Frick MP: Clinical PET in Non-CNS Malignancies. Preliminary Experience at Creighton University. Proc. ICP 2nd Annual Conf. 1990:32.
34. Gupta NC, Esterbrooks DM, Shiue CY, Mohiuddin S, Hilleman D, Frick MP: Utility of Adenosine PET Imaging in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction following Thrombolytic Therapy. Radiology 177 (p) Suppl 234, 1990.
35. Gbaanador GBM, Durrans R, Fruin AH, O’Donohue WJ, Frick MP: Effects of Cervical Immobilization Devices on Swallowing and Pulmonary Function in Healthy Volunteers. Proc. 12th National Trauma Symposium, Baltimore, 1990.
36. Shiue CY, Gupta NC, Frick MP, Sunderland JJ, Shiue GG, Prellwitz J, Vasta M, Bai LQ, Huang H, Billiones M, Best M: Clinical PET at Creighton University: We took the plunge. JNM 32:1134, 1991.
37. Shiue CY, Shiue BB, Bai LQ, Huang H, Rysavy JA, Pleus RC, Sunderland JJ, Frick MP: Fluorine-18 and Carbon-11 labeled Amphetamine Analogs – Synthesis, Biodistribution in Mice and the Effect on D-2 Receptor Binding. JNM 32:994-995, 1991.
38. Prellwitz JA, Vasta MC, Sunderland JJ, Shiue CY, Gupta NC, Frick MP: Investigation of Factors Influencing FDG Myocardial Imaging Quality. JNM 32:1039, 1991.
39. Gupta NC, Esterbrooks D, Hilleman D, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Detection of Ischemia/Stunned Myocardium Following Thrombolytic Therapy Using Adenosine Perfusion/Metabolic Imaging. JNM 32:1012-1013, 1991.
40. Gupta NC, Esterbrooks D, Mohiuddin S, Hilleman D, Frick MP: Adenosine (A1) PET (Perfusion/Metabolic) Imaging in Acute (AMI) Patients (PTS) Following Thrombolytic Therapy, Circulation. In Press, 1991.
41. Schreiman JS, Gupta NC, McGuire MH, Rysavy JA, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Using 18-2-Fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18-FDG) in the Preoperative Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Lesions. Radiology 181(p) suppl, 272, 1991.
42. Gupta NC, Bowman BM, Frank AR, Thorson AP, Shiue CY, Frick MP: PET-FDG Imaging for Follow-up Evaluation of Treated Colorectal Cancer. Radiology 181(p) suppl, 199, 1991.
43. Gupta NC, Dewan NA, Phalen JJ, Rothberg ML, Sunderland J, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Diagnostic Efficacy of FDG-PET Imaging in the Differential Diagnosis of a Solitary Pulmonary Nodule. Radiology 181(p) suppl, 152, 1991.
44. Gupta NC, Mailliard JA, Bowman BM, Frank AR, Sunderland J, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Utility of PET-FDG Imaging in Treatment Planning and Monitoring of Lung Tumors. Radiology 181(p) suppl, 152, 1991.
45. Gupta NC, Esterbrooks DJ, Mohiuddin S, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Feasibility, Safety and Diagnostic Efficacy of Adenosine PET Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Detection of Coronary Artery Disease. Radiology 181(p) suppl, 102, 1991.
46. Frick MP, Gupta NC, Schreiman JS, Shiue CY: Applications of PET for Characterization of Lung Tumors and Soft Tissue Masses. Proc. 3rd Annual International PET Conference 22-23, 1991.
47. Pleus RC, Shiue CY, Shiue GG, Huang H, Rysavy JA, Frick MP, Bylund DB: Carbon-11 Labeled Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Antagonist: Synthesis of [11C] WY 26703. Proc. 9th International Symposium on Rhodiapharm. Chem., April 6-10, 1992.
48. Shiue CY, Bai LQ, Shiue GG, Rysavy JJ, Pleus RC, Huang H, Frick MP, Catt JD, Yevich JP: Fluorine-18 Labeled BMY 14802: Synthesis and Anatomical Distribution in Rodents. Proc. 9th International Symposium on Rhodiapharm. Chem., April 6-10, 1992, Paris, France, In press, 1991.
49. Gupta NC, Dewan NA, Frick MP: Utility of PET-FDG Imaging in Differential Diagnosis of Solitary Pulmonary Noncalcified Nodules. Chest 100(2):845, 1991.
50. Mohiuddin SM, Gupta NC, Esterbrooks DJ, Hilleman DE, Frick MP, Sketch WH: Safety of Intravenous Adenasive Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Chest 100(2):206, 1991.
51. Shiue CY, Shiue GG, Pleus RC, Rysavy JA, Huang H, Frick MP: A Comparison of the Utility of N-[11C] Methylketanserin and N-[11C] Methylaltanserin for Mapping Serotonin Receptors In Vivo. JNM 33(5):1026, 1992.
52. Pleus RC, Shiue CY, Shiue GG, Rysavy JA, Huang H, Frick MP, Bylund DB: Comparison of [11C] MK-912 and [11C] WY 26701 as Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptor Ligands. JNM 33(5):861, 1992.
53. Gupta NC, Frank AR, Casey MJ, Rysavy JA, Sunderland JJ, Terry JD, Frick MP: FDG-PET Imaging for Post-treatment Evaluation of Patients with Genitourinary (GU) Malignancies. JNM 33(5):829, 1992.
54. Gupta NC, Dewan NA, Frank AR, Redepenning L, Rothberg ML, Frick MP: Diagnostic Role of FDG-PET Imaging in Differential Diagnosis of Solitary Pulmonary Nodule (SPN). JNM 33(5):836, 1992.
55. Esterbrooks DJ, Halkar RK, Hilleman D, Frick MP, Gupta NC: Extent and Severity of Ischemic Myocardium at Rest Quantified by Positron Emission Tomography as a Predictor of Prognosis following Thrombolytic Therapy. JNM 33(5):837, 1992.
56. Gupta NC, Bowman BM, Thorson A, Falk P, Rysavy JA, Christensen M, Blatchford G, Lanspa S, Frick MP: F-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET for Pre-Operative Staging of Colorectal Carcinoma. JNM 33(5):975, 1992.
57. Dewan, NA, Gupta NC, Frank AL, Frick MP: Utility of PET-FDG Imaging in Staging and Characterizing Mediastinal and Hilar Adenopathy in Patients with Known or Suspected Lung Cancer. ARRD 145(A): 512, 1992.
58. Gupta NC, Frank AR, Mailliard JA, Phalen JJ, Rysavy JA, Sunderland J, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Clinical Utility of PET-FDG Imaging in the Treatment Planning and Monitoring of Lung Tumors. JNM 33:5:975, 1992.
59. Gupta NC, Falk P, Frank AR, Thorson A, Bowman B, Frick MP: PET-FDG Imaging for Preoperative Staging of Colorectal Carcinoma. Radiology, 185(p):109, 1992.
60. Gupta NC, Esterbrooks D, Mohiuddin S, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Regional Myocardial and Extramyocardial Distribution of N-13 and F-18 in Healthy Subjects. Radiology 185(p):186, 1992.
61. Gupta NC, Franks AR, Terry JA, Frick MP: PET-FDG Imaging for Treatment Planning and Monitoring of Patients with Genitourinary Malignancies. Radiology, 185(p):138, 1992.
62. Racanelli JL, Gupta NC, Rysavy JA, Frick MP: Clinical PET: A Reality. Radiology, 185(p):397, 1992.
63. Gupta NC, Halkar RK, Shiue CY, Frick MP: Regional Myocardial and Extramyocardial Distribution of N-13 Ammonia and F-18 FDG in Normal Subjects. Radiology 185(8):186, 1992.
64. Gupta NC, Barness B, Esterbrooks D, Frick MP: Detection of Total Ischemic Myocardium at Jeopardy by Combining Flow Reserve with Metabolic Assessment in Patients with CAD. JNM 33(5):837, 1992.
65. Frank A, Gupta NC, Maillard J, Chandramoli B, Sunderland J, Frick MP: PET follow up studies for evaluation of treatment response in patients with lung carcinoma. JNM 34:21P, 1993.
66. Chen BC, Lee HC, Frick MP, Shiue CY, Pettinger WA: Quantitative evaluation of renal blood flow (RBF) in renovascular hypertension by N-13 ammonia and dynamic PET. JNM 34:251P, 1993.
67. Frick MP: Introduction to Oncologic PET. Proceedings of 5th Annual International PET Conference, Institute for Clinical PET (ICP), 79(p), 1993.
68. Gupta NC, Casey MJ, Chandramonli B, Frick MP: Diagnostic Efficacy of FDG-PET Imaging in Follow-up Patients with Ovarian and Colorectal Malignancies. Radiology 193(p), 132, 1994.
69. Weiser, JC, Evans BD, Drummond KT, Shock DJ, Frick MP: Quality Assurance for a Digital Radiology Department: Program Design and Implementation. Radiology 210(p), 255, 1996. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL 1996.
70. Weiser JC, Drummond KT, Evans BD, Shock DJ, Frick MP: Quality Assurance for Digital Imaging. Computer Applications to Assist Radiology. RF Kilcoyne, JL Lear, AH Rowberg eds. Symposia Foundation, 13-14 (1996). Presented at the annual Conference on Computer Applications in Radiology. Denver, CO (1996).
Book Chapters
1. Frick MP, Gedgaudas E: Radiology After Intestinal By-Pass Surgery for Morbid Obesity. Chapter 12: 637-646, Surgical Radiology, Vol. II, Teplick JG, Haskin ME (eds), WB Saunders, 1981.
2. Frick MP: Noninvasive Imaging of the Liver and Biliary Tract. Pages 221-231 in: Advances in Hepatic, Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery. Delaney JP, Najarian JS (eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago 1984.
3. Frick MP: Radiographic Analysis of Abdominal Masses: Chapter 76, pages 1-13 in Radiology, Diagnosis, Imaging, Intervention: Taveras JM, Ferrucci JT (eds) JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1986.
4. Frick MP, Roux S: Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Complications. Chapter 4: pp 47-63 in Radiologic Diagnosis of Renal Transplant Complications. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1986.
5. Frick MP: Selecting an Imaging Modality. Chapter 2, pp 7-26 in Abdominal Imaging: An Introduction. Frick MP, Feinberg SB (eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1986.
6. Frick MP: The abdominal Plain Radiography. Chapter 4, pp 49-58 in Abdominal Imaging: An Introduction. Frick MP, Feinberg SB (eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1986.
7. Frick MP: Computed Tomography of the Abdomen. Chapter 5, pp 59-86 in Abdominal Imaging: An Introduction. Frick MP, Feinberg SB (eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1986.
8. Frick MP, Salomonowitz E, Elyaderani MK: Abdominal Sonography. Chapter 6, pp 87-116 in Abdominal Imaging: An Introduction. Frick MP, Feinberg SB (eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1986.
9. Forrest TS, Frick MP: Radiology of the Pancreas. Chapter 7, pp. 237-257 in Gastrointestinal Imaging. McClees-Gedgaudas RK (ed), Churchill Livingston, Handbooks of Diagnostic Imaging, New York, 1987.
10. Kaufman HH, Brick J, Frick MP: Brain Death. Chapter 17 in Neurological Surgery Vol. 1, Fourth Edition, pp. 439-451. Youmans JR (ed), WB Sanders, Philadelphia, 1996.
11. Kaufman HH, Brick J, Frick MP: Brain Death. IN: The Practice of Neurosurgery, Vol. 1, pp 121-135. Tindall GT, Cooper PR, Barrow DL (eds), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1996.
12. Saw CB, Frick MP, Korb LJ: Public Health Issues: Radiation. In The Physician’s Perspective on Medical Law, Vol. 2, p 253-262. Kaufman HH, Lewin JL (eds), Neurosurgical Topics, The American Association of Neurological Surgeons, AANS Publications, Chicago, 1997.
1. Abdominal Imaging: An Introduction. Frick MP, Feinberg SB (eds). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago/London, 1986.
Additional Info
- Internship 1970-1971 - Kantonspital, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Residency (Radiology) 1972-1974- University of Berne Hospitals, Berne, Switzerland
- Residency (Radiology) 1974-1977 - University of Minnesota Hospitals
- Fellowship (Nuclear Medicine) 1977-1978- University of Minnesota Hospitals
- American College of Radiology
- The Radiological Society of North America
- Society of Gastrointestinal Radiologists
- Society of Chairman in Academic Radiology Departments (SCARD)
- American Medical Association
- Association of University Radiologist
- Society of Nuclear Medicine
- Institute for Clinical PET
- West Virginia Medical Society
- Monongalia County Medical Society
- Chairman of the Search Committee for Director of the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center.
- Chairman of Executive Faculty Advisory Committee, West Virginia University School of Medicine. 2006 - present
- Founding Member of Institute for Clinical PET (ICP). 1989 - Present
- Member, Board of Directors of Institute for Clinical PET. (ICP) 1989 - Present
- Member of the Clinical Council, Ruby Memorial Hospital. 1992 - present
- Member of the Executive Committee, Health Sciences Center, West Virginia University. 1992 - present
- Member of the Executive Faculty Advisory Committee, West Virginia University School of Medicine. 2003 - present
- Member of the ICD-9 Coding Committee, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 1991 - Present
- Member of the PACS Task Force, University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC). 1996 - Present
Patient Care Information
Medical Specialties
- Cancer / Oncology
- Radiology
Board Certifications
- Diagnostic Radiology, American Board of Radiology